Performer är det jag ?

Performers tend to be playful and fun-loving people who enjoy entertaining and stimulating others. Whether on stage, at work, or in social situations, their outgoing, gregarious, impulsive, and positive nature is uplifting to those around them. They're sociable, talkative manner is stimulating, and they have a charming, entertaining, and friendly way about them. People love their generous, comical, and uninhibited ways, and their love of life is contagious. Performers are always attracted to new ideas, fashions, and trends, and fascinated by the possibilities that each represent.
As a provider as you also are you have the natural caring for other people and you feel so strongly for it that you think you can influense people in knowing what is right and wrong allthough you can´t.


Om du tycker det stämmer, säg det till mig! ???



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